Docks! Docks! Docks!

There are three dock areas at The Cedars.

The Swim Dock
The swim dock is perfect for soaking up the sun, watching the swimmers, or launching your newest adventure.  In our family, junior swimmers have to demonstrate that they can swim to the raft and back to the swimming dock unaided before they are allowed to be in the water without a life jacket.

The Boat Dock 
The boat dock is a long finger that extends into the lake, perfect for fishing, or tying a boat up to after a long paddle.  The boat dock sits off the west side of the Boathouse.

A storm approaches

and arrives!

The East Dock
The east dock is the place for quiet reflection, an afternoon of fishing, or enjoying the wildlife. It offers a shadier, quieter spot to sit and watch the world go by.  And the design of the dock provides a sun spot for painted and snapper turtles, a feeding station for the mink, and home to breeding bass.

early evening

our neighbourly heron drops by for dinner

A view of the shore line (towards Birds) from the east dock